
till min butik

Hi! and welcome to my shop!

My name is Jane and I love all things Scandinavian.  I’d really like to be a cool Swede penning novels in a rustic cabin in the woods or designing san serif typefaces in a minimalist apartment in Stockholm, but, in reality, I live in a 1950s suburban house in Nottingham with two overweight cats and a golf-obsessed Scottish husband.

During those long dark months of winter lockdown last year I kept myself entertained by watching Nordic Noir crime shows on TV and creating small ‘Dala’ horses out of clay.  After a while I decided to share my creations on Instagram and achieved an encouraging response and some early orders.  I began to think about selling my horses to the public at Christmas markets in 2021….and so Norse Horse Decor was born.

My aim is to create an authentic Nordic winter vibe with my pale and unfussy paper star lanterns, monochrome Dala horses, white clay star wall hangings and vintage framed Hans Christian Andersen illustrations. Teamed with string lights and some simple foraged greenery, these products should help you create a calm and hygge atmosphere in your home at Christmas and throughout the winter months.

‘My aim is to create an authentic Nordic winter vibe’